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Whats a Truthanator, Peytonator, Listian, Skaiwalker, Karaniac and a Deboralien?

All answers will be revealed.....

All about fans!!!!!


Now, you may or not know Cameron is one of the best dancers in the world, so he is in an awesomely great dance crew named XMob. And they call him 'Truth'; so his fans are called Truthanators

Peytonators/ Listians

Peyton's full name is Peyton Roi List, but everyone calls her 'PeyPey' or just 'Peyton List'. So 'Listians' are a play off from her last name and 'Peytonaters' are a play off from her first name.\


Now you may or not know the movie 'Star Wars' -I barely even do so don't get mad if I spell anything wrong- but Luke Skywalker was one of the characters, so they made a play of word with Skai to make 'Skaiwalkers'.


Karan's name may seem kind of different to you, but being different is what makes you you and what makes you BETTER!!!!! We all -should- know what 'maniacs' are. And Karan's fans are 'maniacs' for him so they played off of his swagg name to get Karaniacs.


Now we all -should- know her as Debby, but the proper and real version of the name is 'Deborah'. And -basically- everyone -should- know what an alien is, and I'm gonna guess people picked aliens because Debby is out of this world or something but Deborah does not always need the 'H', so here we are 'Deboraliens'.

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